Starts from new lappy to "Hospital Playlist" to High School Memories and to hope for all of us!
Hi, it's been a long time for me to start again. Yup, start to type one by one on this new laptop keyboard. hahaha not a literally new laptop but yeah wkwkw i still assuming this is new, lol that's not matter anw.
I was start typing meanwhile i listening my random playlist on spotify, it's "Rain and You" by Lee Mu-Jin, one of OST at Hospital Playlist. Make sure you have watch it! I'm sure you're just wasting your time if you still thinking that are you want to go to check that drama or not, just like me. I was already watch the 1st episode of it but i feel so bored then i left it haha, in a couple month later my friend mention that drama and ask me am i already watch it and i say yes, but only 1 episode and she's just like what? why?! then i realized there is something so i decided to patiently watch it and now nobody can't stop me especially to their OST or to their exactly hospital 'playlist', it's soooo cozy!
Think about cozy things and stuff, i know we are people who nowadays not in a cozy situation, pandemic hit us so bad. Really sad to see how people start having difficult things in their life, especially on their job, economic and their health life. For me, as a person that can still sleep well and have enough food, still have internet quota, i am so gratefull, i pray for everybody on this world, i hope we can face this time, no matter what is your condition now, keep have faith, whatever your religion, change our mindset to start see the situation by positive perspective, and the most important is be gratefull.
Now, 2021 it is already 5 years since i started this blog. It's so funny if i remember that i started this blog 'cause my teacher gave us a project which is to make blog on the internet and to upload something there, it was i'm in 10th grade of high school. Oh my dear memories of highschool, already miss it! Miss the people, the vibes, the situation, the routine of organitation not the lessons at the class hahaha, oh and miss all of the feelings that I've been through at high school. One of post at this blog was my 'confide' of my feeling when i'm still at high school :) I was so young at that time, everything happened out of my control, i felt sad, dissapointed, but happy and grateful now 'cause i have that experience, now i realize that not everyone got a chance to feel something like that, so just accept it as your part of life journey xixixi (trying to be a mature person mode on)
I hope nothing, but i really want to live this life as great as i can and to you guys too. see y!
sapa rindu untuk secercah potret aku dan mereka, dulu. |
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